
Book Review 1-12 Chinease Adventure

It was grandmother's birthday, so she came to stay. Everyone gave her a present. Dad and Mum gave a funny shape present. It was a Chenease vase. They knew that she liked it, so they gave it. She was very pleased with the present. Thean she said everyone that she wanted to do fireworks with them. It was very dangerous, so Mum and Dad and grandmother got the fireworks ready. They were very careful. The children couldn't help it, so they stayed out of the way.And the fireworks party began. Nadim and Anneena came to the party. Grandmother let off a big firework. It was very beautiful firework! Everyone enjoyed it. In generary, dogs don't like fireworks, so Floppy waited inside the house. Suddenly, a big firework made a loud sound. When he heard it, he was very afraid of the sound, so he hid under a little table. Unfortunately, there was a Chinease vase on it. At the time, after they enjoyed the fireworks party, they had tea time. Mum came with a birthday cake. Biff thought she would like to take a picture, so she went into the front room to get her camere. At the time, she found the vase was broken.The children went to Biff's room. They try to mend it, butthey couldn't it. Everyone thought that she was sad. Suddenly, the magic key bagan to glow. The magic key took them back in time. It was chinease long ago. They were in the Forbidden City. The Emperor in China lived here, so it was called the Forbidden City. There was a firce dog in the Forbidden City. It didn't lke Floppy, so the dog barked floppy and growled. At the time, some women stoped it. The women took them to the Emperor. He try to put them in prison. He had two children and they were twins. They looked exactly the same. They wanted to play with them. So, hedermined he put them in prison tomorrow. At once, they began to play outside. The twind had never palyed with other children, so they didn't know how to play football. Suddenly, the ball fell down a grating. They began to cry. So, Biff and Chip pulled up the grating. And everyone began to go down them. Nadim went into a bifg cellar. It was full of cobwebs and dusrt.There were a lot of giant vases. At the time, the Emperor's survants came into the cellar. They didn't like him, so they planed to blow up the palace. The children were very frightened, so they hid inside the vases. Fortunately, the survants didn't see them. They ran to the Emperor right now. And they told him about the gunpowder under the palace and that his survants planted to blow up the palace.After he heard it, he ordered his soldieds that they capture his survants. And they were captured!! The Emperor thanked to them a lot. That night, he had a big firework party. There were lots and lots of fireworks. They lit up the sky. They gasped when the fireworks went off. It was very beautiful. Biff thought she wish grandmother was here. The Emperor wanted to give the children a present. Biff asked for one of the big vases. It was a good idea!! At the time, suddenly, the magic key began to glow and took them home. The big vase was quite small. It was exactly the smae as grandmother's broken Chinease vase.But there were one problem. The new vase had Chinease writing on it. (606 words)

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